My Backpack Weighs More than Both of us Combined

As I get ready to embark on this journey I am constantly being asked the same question by my friends, family members, and strangers alike: “So how do you backpack?” As I am a first time backpacker myself I do not have a solid answer for this question. In fact, despite all of my diligent research on the subject I am still pretty sure I am doing it all wrong. My backpack is way too over stuffed and heavy as is my roommates; we are both having a hard time eliminating any of the “essentials.” My answer to everyone however is simply that you decide to backpack, and you go.

One week ago I quit my job and in 4 short hours my friend Christine and I are going to head to Norway to begin our very first backpacking trip. We are going in with lots of planning, but keeping an opened mindset. We are equipped with a 15 day in 2 month Eurail pass, a tent, and two way too heavy to actually be a good idea backpacks.

We are both very excited to see what lies ahead as we take a break from normalcy and enter into a world we do not entirely understand. We’ll write about all of our adventures and mishaps along the way as we take full advantage of what God has in store for us across the pond. Until next time! – xx Stiletto backpack


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